Our Philosophy

live in the moment.

capture the moment.

Love your memories!


Category Archives: us

Niki Turns 5!!!!

Niki just turned 5 and I felt like such a horrible mother that I accidentally made her yearly checkup on her birthday. Poor girl got 5 shots on her 5th birthday. Isn’t that for ironic…I thought I’d share this clip we took a few days later. She is tall and skinny for her age, but...

World of Fatigue….That place is HUGE!

This is pretty far behind. We went to World’s of Fun with Ride & Slide passes a couple weeks ago, and it was lots of fun…but HOLY CHICKEN, that place is huge. I really thought we’d be ridin’ and rollin’ ALL day and ALL night…but we checked out of there before 8p. SO Tired! Has...

Successful 4th of July!

This year had a rockin’ 4th. We had a good time visiting with Matt’s family at the Anderson-May 75th anniversary family reunion in Topeka, KS…and then we ended the evening in Eudora hangin’ out with our favorite group of friends. Perfect. Photography as unique to you as your signature.

My litte corner of the world…

My gosh I am so behind on Blogging. Here’s some awesome memories that I’d rather blog late than not at all. So, I have to explain these first few a bit. Matt and I went to pick up the kiddos from my grandma’s house (aka: Chaotic Circus of Kids) and found them, with their cousins,...