Our Philosophy

live in the moment.

capture the moment.

Love your memories!


Category Archives: us

Flying High

Friday I was originally supposed to go up flying with my Stepdad, Jeff, and try out my hand at aerial photography…but it was gloomy out. So we sort of spontaneously made up for it yesterday afternoon…and I brought along the hubby & kiddos. Of course, being as Matt and Jeff are both over 6 feet,...

Parkville Days

YEAH! The carnival was in town this past weekend and we had the opportunity to take the kids for some rides. Niki gets first choice on rides and she picks the biggest thriller. I swear she is addicted to fear. That or she doesn’t realize what she’s getting herself in for. The moment that ride...

Fun with Friends

When we lived on the Kansas side, our favorite place to take the kids was Deanna Rose Petting Zoo. We still go occasionally, but it has definitely been a while since our last visit. That place has really grown. I guess my kids have, too. Niki…looking a little crazy… Tate….looking really hot…and it was a...

Congrats to Kim on a new future grandbaby!

Last week went to my Dad and Step-Mom’s house to visit for a grand dinner…in celebration of having my step-bro, Matt (I know, confusing having multiple Matt’s in the same family) coming to town for a visit. He and his girlfriend are expecting a baby, I think in December. This is a shot of Kim...