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live in the moment.

capture the moment.

Love your memories!


Category Archives: crossroads

Kansas City Engagement: Libby & Mike

Meet Mike and Libby…. …no that’s not Libby.  Here’s Libby… …wait, no…that’s not Libby either.  Libby is so much cuter. 🙂  hahaha  I couldn’t resist posting the first two of Roscoe and Chloe…stealing Libby’s spotlight.  I was crackin’ up when I saw that first one (Roscoe).  With the flared nostril, big eyes, and lifted chin, he...

Kansas City Family: Can Morgan be persuaded?

This would be my second session with this awesome family.  They don’t live ’round here, so it’s been a long time coming that I could see them again.  In fact, I think that Morgan was 2yrs old or less…and poor Kevin & Kelly spent most of the session trying to console her.  (I’m a scary...

Kansas City Wedding: Anh & Brian are purpl-iciously married!

Long awaited by Anh & Brian’s family and friends (and I mean loooooong), the wedding day finally arrives…and it is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-LL!!!!  Seriously, the weather was that of every Bride’s dreams. Ok…all future Brides out there…check this out.  Anh had told me that she was preparing for everything and put together a little emergency kit.  …she...

Matt + Shannon + Wedding = SUPER HOTTNESS

I have been so excited for Matt and Shannon’s wedding for so long…and the day has finally come…along with the super humid, hot summer.  Better than an all-day rainy day, I say.  🙂  Here’s some of my favorites from the day. So fresh and so clean, clean… It was seriously 1am before we got back...

Class of 2009: Dalton K!

Wahooooooo!  Dalton is DA MAN!  Little bashful, but nothing me and his crazy mom can’t handle.  HAHA!  RANEE…you rock! Yea…that’s right…he looks like a rockstar. Love the mirror reflection…that was a cool window. And what’s a senior session with some awesomely lit pictures inside a parking garage?   Photography as unique to you as your...