Westport | Senior | Jackson

Check out this High School Senior Stud Muffin!

Meet Jackson.  Mr. Class of 2017

AKA:  My super cool cuz


This kid has always had the coolest hair…and he’s always changin’ it up.  Love the current wildness.


This picture freaks me out a little bit…because I see my son, Tate, when I look at it.  Jackson is about 2 years or so older than Tate (thank goodness for awesome hand-me-down-clothes…Jackson kept Tate stylish)…and maybe it’s because their so close in age…I don’t know, but this pic looks so much like Tate to me.


Why is Westport so cool?!  Love this wall.


AAAAAANNDDD…let’s not forget the woman that made this kid possible…and more specifically, the woman that put in extreme effort into getting Jackson in front of the camera finally.  Hahaha.  YES!  Luanne definite deserves a hug.  Had to get documentation of it, too!


So close to graduation!  Congrats Cuz!

Kansas City | Lifestyle | Tate Family

I’m a little…or a lot…obsessed with this family.  They have had quite the life changes since I’ve known them…but I’m so excited to meet the newest member of their gang.


David & Kellie’s love is infectious.  It makes me want to go run and hug my husband.


And these kids!!!! It is crazy awesome how these siblings are pretty much best friends.


A little Seinfield Tribute.  Crackin’ me up!


Love that Miller!


Ok ok ok…folks…check it out.  This might be the happiest baby I’ve ever encountered.  AND…he must not think I’m pure evil…because this might be the only session..or at least its been so long I can’t even remember…that I’ve had a baby not cry and frown at me for 98% of the session.  I could photograph this kid all day everyday!


He might grow up to be a plumber…just sayin’.

kansas-city-lifestyle-portraits_tate_1034kansas-city-lifestyle-portraits_tate_1035kansas-city-lifestyle-portraits_tate_1036kansas-city-lifestyle-portraits_tate_1037Happy First Christmas to that sweet little ham!

Liberty Memorial | Family | Nate + Kirsten + Amelia

I LOVE these three!

Nate, Kirsten, and little Miss Amelia are one of my favorite repeat offenders.  From engagement, to wedding, to parenthood….I can’t get enough of watching this family grow!  It’s insane to think Amelia’s already 4 years old!

liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1000liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1001liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1002Those EYES!!!  So pretty, even when she’s pouty.  liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1003liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1004liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1005liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1006liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1007liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1008liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1009liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1010liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1011liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1012liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1013liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1014

Yup…this one is 100% out of focus, but I love it anyway.  Had to show off the crazy leaf-attacker.



AWWW!!!  I love these lovers!  Still as happy as ever!
liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1018liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1019liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1020liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1021liberty-memorial-kc-family-portraits-hagemann-1022Keep on, Keepin’ on, Hagemanns!  Happy Holidays!

Eudora | Lovers | Kenna + Tyler

Ok…I’ve known and photographed Tyler for over a decade, and it’s no secret he’s a terrific guy.  So after he introduced me to Kenna and I got to take some pics of them….later on I texted him and said “Dude…your GF is hot!  Well done friend.”  To which he texted back “Thank you.  She is now my fiance.”  I’m pretty sure I squealed out loud.  So happy for Tyler…and for Kenna….she’s got a good one, fo sho!

lawrence-eudora-family-portraits_tuckness-2000 lawrence-eudora-family-portraits_tuckness-2001
lawrence-eudora-family-portraits_tuckness-2002 lawrence-eudora-family-portraits_tuckness-2003 lawrence-eudora-family-portraits_tuckness-2004 lawrence-eudora-family-portraits_tuckness-2005

Congrats Tyler & Kenna!

Eudora | Family | Deathe

This is probably 3 sessions all wrapped up in one:

Deathe + Tuckness + Gaultney

…so image overload…and I LOVE THEM ALL…made it super hard to narrow it down for the blog.

Let’s start off with a little momentum shot…what goes up, must come down….and with a big smile!


This session was EXTRA special as it was the first time to have this little ham in front of my camera.  Sweet Sawyer!


Mr. Personality….RAWWWWRRRRR!  HAHA


Check it out…Porter kissin’ his guns.  My kind of man!  He has my heart for sure!


I like to imagine Sawyer is getting an early start on his politician hands.  I’d vote for him.


SAWYER!!!!! BAHAHAHA!!!  THAT FACE!!!!!  I’m crackin’ up!


Everyone be givin’ him that look.  🙂

lawrence-eudora-family-portraits_deathe-1032lawrence-eudora-family-portraits_deathe-1033lawrence-eudora-family-portraits_deathe-1034lawrence-eudora-family-portraits_deathe-1035So happy to be a part of watching this big family grow and grow…  the world needs more awesome peeps like these.