Beautiful couple. Fun Wedding Party. Confetti. Sporting KC. Blooper Booth.
Um yeah. Pretty much an unforgettable day celebrating the marriage and commitment of Ashley & Cameron. Those who attended know…the PARTY WAS ON!
Ok…so Cameron is such a sweetheart. And he’s seriously in love with Ashley. I’m IN LOVE with his reaction to seeing Ashley that day. Melt my heart. Every time I would be working through their images, I would randomly scroll back to these set of images. It reminds me of why I love being a wedding photographer. Weddings like theirs…it’s like a really good movie. If I didn’t have a camera in hand, I’d have popcorn and a box of tissues. Ahh….sweet love.
WHAT WHAT! SPORTING KC!!! Ah YEAH! So…did I forget to mention Ashley and Cameron were college soccer hot shots? I once saw a clip of Cameron make a game-winning shot, which I’m pretty sure was in college (I just spent like 20 minutes stalking his facebook page trying to find it…no luck, maybe he’ll send me the link and I’ll update this later), but it was an amazing kickass unbelievable goal. Ok, I’m rambling…but anyway…because soccer is such a key factor in their backgrounds, they incorporated it into their wedding day. We got to go inside and have fun at Sporting KC…which let me tell you was a lifesaver since it was like a million degrees hot outside that day.
An especially fun part of roaming around Sporting KC….the press room. HAHA Let just say those wedding party reporters are RUTHLESS in their questioning.
I don’t know if I’ve ever stated this before but confetti exits are my absolutely, hands down FAVORITE exit.
Oh Ironwoods Lodge. How I love thy beauty.
THAT, my friends, is some quality photobombing, if I do say so myself.Mr. & Mrs. Zimmerman. Congratulations! Best wishes on your lifelong adventure with your best friend.
SPECIAL MENTION: Cameron’s boys. Major thanks for these buff men for helping carry gear.
Kevin’s Shot of Me: I call it “Wanna be part of the gang”
My Shot of Kevin: I call it “A camera on LSD”