Ashley, Kyle, London, Audrey…and future Victor. A perfect little stroll through the woods.
I don’t know how she does it…but Ashley looks more and more beautiful with each pregnancy. I kinda hate her. She’s too pretty! And oh my…her and Kyle make the most beautiful babies!
Kyle and Ashley are adorbs! Makes me smile all over my face to see watch them sweet as ever…and having watched them grow from an apartment of 2, to a loving home of 5.
LOOK! JUST LOOK AT THOSE CUTE FACES! They’re cute, but those little ones don’t seem impressed by me. At all.
Ok…I stole a smile from the little one. I’ll take it. 🙂
Yeah…that’s how I feel after modeling in front of the camera too. It’s exhausting being so documented.
And this is real life people. Every parent who’s ever tried to have a family portrait session with children under 5 can relate….this is the most accurate family portrait of all. Had to include it. It’s funny to me because I usually start off the session by telling the parents that I usually get 2-3 posed images before children figure out they don’t like me, then I practice the art of distraction, or the desperation of bribery…and then eventually we end the session by one or more people crying.