It’s a crazy small world. But you always remember and can relate to the place you “felt” like you were raised. For Matt (the hubby), it is a small town in Arkansas. His best friend was Adam….and it was..IS….a strong friendship. One that can go dormant due to distance and chaos of normal life…but pick right back up the moment you pick up the phone. I, actually, met Adam when Matt and I first started dating, some 12-13 years ago…and lets just say Adam is a character. Unforgettable, always likeable & contagious…Adam. Maybe it was the super-thick-hardly-understandable southern accent…but Adam could not possibly leave me without laughing, smiling, or totally confused-because-I-didn’t-know-what-he-just-said (most times Matt had to translate). Fast forward 12 years….Matt now is married with kids…Adam is married with kids…and it’s a small small world. His daughter and our daughter, though 400 miles distant, are good friends already. Crazy, right? And awesome. I present to you Adam and his amazing family with Adrianne (his super fabulous wife who, with much affection, is now my friend).
Here’s some photo-fun we took after our session…these first two were taken by Alexa (sometimes I recruit young apprentices).
Adams girls and our Niki. So funny.
Yes…I admit…our daughter is responsible for this. Actually, I should blame this on Aunt Lacey, who gave Niki the makeup kit for Christmas. Let’s just say, only blue eye-shadow-up-to-the-eyebrows is cool when you are 7 yrs old. 🙂
Yes….this happened. hahahahaha