Anyone who attended Kennie & Jen’s wedding already knows…to everyone not as fortunate, it was a kick-ass-awesome-fantastic-supercalifragilistic-rad day!
Kennie’s mother lost her battle with breast cancer about 5 years ago, but that shouldn’t keep her from being photographed on her son’s wedding day. As luck should have it, the salon was directly across the street from the cemetery she was laid to rest. Since there was a little free time, I had Jen give me some directions of where to find Denise and I set off to search. Easier said that done! I had actually given up trying to find her, and started to walk back when the sun poked out and make something sparkly catch my eye. Right in front of Denise’s grave was a clear plastic bracelet full of silver glitter. Gave me the chills…in a good way, of course.
Started off the stylish-shin-dig at the uber cool Vital Salon in Gladestone, MO.
HOW CUTE are those flip flops!
One of the most stylish wedding hairstyles I’ve ever had the priveledge to capture. LOVE LOVE the contrast of hair color and the accents!
And while the girls were getting purdy…the boys were up to no good. 🙂
The picture on the right cracks me up EVERY SINGLE TIME I look at it. It’s contagious!
A stylish wedding just wouldn’t be complete without the talented arrangements of Emma-Ray!
Just as we were about to get back on the trolley and head to our next stop, Kennie spontaneously takes off into a full-on sprint after a group of bicyclists rolls by. They are TOTAL strangers, but he wanted to snag a photo-opp with them…and there just happened to be a guy just as spontaneously crazy as Kennie and decided to lift him up for the shot. 🙂 I love the little random things in life.
There is absolutely no rhyme or reason for this shot. Just thought it would be fun….and it was! 🙂 Hey Snotty (which was my pet-name for the bridesmaid in the back right jumping up), you made this shot awesome! Just had to give you a shout-out.
AND OH MY THAT SKY!!!!! The weather was perfectly designed for our photo-time. It was a monsoon directly after the ceremony, but as soon as my camera was ready for action, the rain left and gave us the wedding gift of sun and dramatic sky backgrounds. YEAH!
Kennie!!!!!!!!!!! I’m your biggest FAN!!!!!
Where’s Kennie?
And I mustent forget to mention the glorious reception venue, The Foundation! I’m in love! A sort of modern, rustic, art zone that transformed into a charming event location. Perfect for Jen and Kennie!
And MAJOR MAJOR Props to Julie Blanner of Coordinately Yours Event Design & Planning. Hats off to her and her assistant who put together an event that definitely turned heads. AMAZING!!!
CAUGHT YA! hehehe
Another favorite ring shot to add to my collection!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Oh Jen…Kennie…Matt and I still can’t get over the fun adventure that was your wedding day. Every person and every detail made it one of a kind in our hearts….and cameras. 09.10.11 will be remembered quite fondly as the day the Pauley’s ROCKED OUR WORLD! Love you guys!