UPDATE: Please check out Sarah Rimel Photography’s Blog for the second eye to this session at http://www.rimelphoto.com/blog/2011/08/brian-maureen-engagement-portraits/
As many of you who know me…I speak the “Christie” Language. That means I usually talk pretty fast, say exactly what comes to mind, most times don’t make sense, and totally expect people to understand what I’m saying. 🙂
Poor Brian and Maureen…I was speaking the “Christie” language pretty thick at 7am Sunday morning. Early on, I asked them if they were good with PDF…and got the old head-tilt-to-the-side-what-is-she-talking-about-? look. What I MEANT, was PDA (Public Display of Affection…KISSING). I’m sure Brian was immediately going through his memory trying to remember if I had recently sent him a PDF via email. HAHAHA Oh…there just is no excuse for me. I blame it on my mother. Everything has been her fault since I was 13. 🙂
On to the good stuff…Maureen + Brian! And some PDA. 🙂
Love me some naturally blue skies! Makes for a killer background!
Thank you to my good pal, Sarah Rimel, of Sarah Rimel Photography for helping me out with this session. We walked past this bright orange wall section, and she gave me a look and said “Really? You’re just going to walk past this?” Orange is my main business branding color…I have 4 orange purses, one BRIGHT orange wall in my home, orange boxes, t-shirts, socks, wall decor…orange orange orange…and I passed the wall. REWIND! Sarah showed me the error of my ways and thus we stopped and got some KILLER images. THANK YOU SARAH!!!! THANK YOU RANDOM ORANGE WALL!!!!
I love Math:
Maureen + Brian + Kansas City + 7 am with 3 alarm clocks + coffee + Sarah Rimel = FABULOUS-NESS!!!!