Our Philosophy

live in the moment.

capture the moment.

Love your memories!


Monthly Archives: October 2010

Kansas City Portraits: 8 Grandkids are Great!

There’s one last grandbaby on the way, but until then, we needed to give Karla and David (my “other” parents) an updated grandchildren portrait.  It was a super lovely Saturday, and to top things off, we got to photograph on an old farm that has been in the family for years.  I love sentimental value....

Kansas City Engagement: Libby & Mike

Meet Mike and Libby…. …no that’s not Libby.  Here’s Libby… …wait, no…that’s not Libby either.  Libby is so much cuter. 🙂  hahaha  I couldn’t resist posting the first two of Roscoe and Chloe…stealing Libby’s spotlight.  I was crackin’ up when I saw that first one (Roscoe).  With the flared nostril, big eyes, and lifted chin, he...