Lil Ryan Smith and his BIG CUTENESS!
This lil guy was an absolute DREAM to photograph. Most babies and children don’t last a good 20 minutes before at least needing a break. He was big eyes and quiet tempered for an ENTIRE HOUR.
We tried to get some giggles and smiles, but he was holding out on me. I did, however, get some other really cute expressions.
He kinda looks like he’s laying on ribbons of chocolate. That must be why he looks so yummy!
I got a few really funny pictures where he looks a bit terrified. This one makes me think he’s suspicious of the elephant over his shoulder.
We had just finished up the session when Ryan started letting us know he wanted his
binky or bottle….but I love the last few shots of the three of them together before they started packing up.
It was such a pleasure to get my baby fix. I am definitely looking forward to seeing him again soon.